Diаbеtеs tyре II
Essay Writing Software Subscription
Essay – Word Length 1200 words +/- 120 words (PLUS a self drawn inter-tissue metabolic map and tables). Note on the A
title page of the essay, include the text word count (do not include figures. tables or captions in your word count).
Group presentation
Approximately 300 words (‘8-lO powerpoint slides) presented during the Intensive School. Note: You will be given an opportunity to meet with
your group to finalise your presentation at the mandatory intensive school.
votes: Essay and presentation This assessment is mandatory
and will count towards the final assessment of this unit
Macro nutrient metabolic homeostasis involves the constant supply
of fuel to all organs throughout the day Anormal macro nutrient metabolic daily cycle consists both fed and fasted stages within a 24 hour
cycle. This 24 hour metabolic fed-fast daily cycle therefore underpins normal physiological conditions as well as metabolic pathological
The aim of this assignment is to define the normal daily inter-organ fedfast cycle of humans and then describe
perturbation of inter-organ metabolic flow under an altered physwlogical or pathological state which will be asSigned to you.
Each student will be assigned into a group that will research either an altered physiological state or a patholo ical metabolic
state. Each group has a padlet account which wrll enable students to post information in a variety of formats fgor the whole group to use.
Please ensure that you make significant early contributions of researched information to the group. When you post information on padlet 55
please annotate it with your full name I will be monitoring student activity on the padlet sites You can also bounce ideas around on the
padlet group sites The researching of information for your assignment is designed as a collaborative exercise,
he Essay
individual will have to submit their own 1200-word essay on his/her main findings.
Your essay should include:
abrief introductionto
the topic. including the a one sentence synopsis or argument of the essay.
a map and concise but detailed description of the
inter-organ flow of metabolites under normal fed-fasted metabolic states and the perturbation due to a specific pathology or altered
physrological state.
explanation of mechanisms inv olved in regulating the flow of metabolites and energy (eg. the inv olv ement of
pancreatic hormones). Note powerpoint is good for drawing these types of metabolic maps. Submission of hand drawn mapswill result in
deduction of marks,
A succinct conclusion paragraph.
Six references (including at least 2 review scientific
0 Referencing Format
ln-text referencing:
Single author citation (Green. 2013)
Two author citation (Tool-i and
Gamgee, 2009)
Three or more author citations (Grey et al, 2005)
Bibliographic citation
Green, T, (1998) Stubbin’g. of toes is
a major source of injuries in obbits J, Hobbit Res, 25616124618,
Took, P. and Gamgee, S. (2009)Advanced technologies used in
hobbit hole design. Arch. Hobbit Invest. 13181-93.
Grey, 0, Ciakenshield, T. and Baggins 8.52005) Hobbit recruitment techniques for
aspiring adventurers J, Middle Earth 1345-3 9
The map you present in your essay MUST be a compilation of your research groups activity
and not copied directly from text book, internet or any other source.
Note: I am looking for you to generate an integrated pathway, 7
inter-organ metabolic map in which the pathways and organs are connected metabolically (be imaginative with the setting out of this map),
HINT: If you make your integrated map the central figure in your essay you can use your paragraphs to explain your central integrated
biochemical ma‘g under normal fed,fasted and your assigned perturbed physiological or pathological conditions.
Essay Marking rubric
Informative title. Introduction Includes a relevant synopsis of the pornts rn your
argument. Concise summary of your essay to orientate the reader. A clearly and logically presented synopsis containing the points of your
argument, As for HD but too long or short or less clearly written synOpsis. Summary istoo long/short and not logically presented. or some
irrelevant info Poor s nopsis A weal-i summarythat contains irrelevant info. lacks referencing or poorly written, Very weak synopsis No
background or shows Yrttle understanding of the topic, No synopsis
Clearly states the argument of the essay in a single
sentence. A considered and clearly articulated argument that is concisely stated at the end of the introduction As for HD but less clearly
written or not at the end of the intro Has an argument but not clearly presented Poorly worded or confused argument No argument.
ASINGLE detailed original inter~organ, integrated metabolic pathway map. Only l detailed. software generated,
inter-organ and integrated metabolic pathway map complete
I. Clearly describesfedfasted and perturbation states of inter~organ
2 Substrate intersection points between pathways within tissues (esp the Irv er)
3, inter-tissue metabolic pathways As for HD
but less clear, lacking some minor information, Reproduced from a single reference source, Asfor D but lacking in one of points l,2 or 3.
Presented more than one metabolic map
Hand drawn map. Asfor C but lacking in two of points l . 2 or 3. No map, sub-standard or low
resolution map pie sented.
Logical presentation of enough scientrfic evidence to support your argument. Complete,
clear and concise. No trivial etail, written in the presenttense. Appropriate use of your own tables. As for HD but less clear, lacking i
some minor information or contains some unnecessary detail. Use of tablesfrom other sources Most information present but may be too long.
contain signrficant trivial detail or be unclear Limited use of tables Inadequate in text referencing Not in the present tense. lacking
major information or no attempt to disbngursh important information. Poorly presented argument. Minimal in text referencrng. Minimal
evidence. No argument or incorrect argument. Minimal figures and tables used. No in text referencing,
A succinct
conclusion paragraph summarising the ev idence that prov es your agiument. Concrse presentation ev ldence that prov es your argument.
Presentation of an inciteful and well structured argument. Asfor H but minor errors in formatting. Does not summarise all evi ence or g
omits a final concluding sentence. Does not summarise all evidence and omits a final concluding sentence No conclusion presented
Correct format, word count and reference citation Correct format and word count. Citation of an appropriate number of primar
scientific references. Asfor HD but with minor format infractions. Incorrect format and/or word count, Inappropriate type and/iii number of
references. Incorrect format and/or word count Poor grammar. Minimal number of references. Did not use scientific references Incorrect
format and word count. Unacceptable or no references presented
Seminar Presentation
Each group hasto prepare a IO minute seminar. that
presents the group’s ov erall findings.
You will be given an opportunity to meet with your group in person to finalise your seminar at the
mandatory intensiv e school.
Since your group seminar will be presented at the intensive school in a lecture theater you will need to bring
a USB thumb drive and a laptop computer to complete your presentation.
Essay Writing Software Subscription
Create your seminar using PowerPoint,
As a group, you will present
your seminar in a lecture theatre to the class during the intensive school.
What to include in your seminar: Give a detailed indication
of the flow of metabolites and energy in fed and fasted states as well as the perturbations associated with the altered physiological or
pathological state.
Your group will be asked questions about your topic preferably by your fellow students,
Include mainly figures
and short explanatory text (Use the lecture slide format as a guide when producing your powerpoint slides.
You should arm to have
between 8-10 slides in your 10 minute seminar.
Produce concise and clear slides that tell a story. Avoid repetitions! Aggod rule of
thumb is that “You are a miser writing to a fool and every word costs $1 You only have 810 00 to spend.
Use large enough te xt srze
(minimum 16-18 point calibii or arial font) so it can be read from the back of the lecture theater. That is where I will be
The following marking sheet will be used to assess your presentations (see below).
The items listed below are presented as a
guide for assessing each presentation
Part I. Quality of Presentation (50/100) Weight
seminar format & quality 2096
2 Quality of the
group oral presentation
i. Clearly and concisely present the “story of the assignment’ (1096)
ii Quality of the presentation (did the
representational the tall-c without referring to handheld notes) (1096)
iii. id the group answer the audience questions correctly (1096)
Part II Scientific Merits (50/100)
1. Detailed assessment and description of metabolite and energy flow in the metabolic/physical
state assigned
Note – here you would like to include as many tissues involved in metabolite and energy flow and as many metabolic pathways
you found to be active in each tissue during the assigned state 2096
Critical review of the topic and depth of research, presentation of
correct information, Clarity and extent of using figures, tables, flow charts and other visual aids (self drawn in power point)
Here you will be assessed on your ability to show the interconnection among the tissues (metabolite and energy flow) and among the pathways