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Determining the Need for Clinical Exercise Testing

Inquiry #6: Determining the Need for Clinical Exercise Testing

Part 1:

With the printing of the 10th Edition of ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, several changes to the exercise pre participation screening algorithm have occurred. If you are presented with an individual who does not participate in regular exercise, describe the process for deciding the appropriate level of clearance and exercise intensity.

In your discussion, clarify the signs/symptoms suggestive of CV disease to be aware of and how levels of intensity are defined in your decision. If medical clearance is required prior to exercise, what considerations are given to the procedures during clearance? Perform a pre participation screening on the following individual:

60 yrs, maleSingle vessel AMI at 50 yrs old, stent placed in LAD arteryNo recent changes to medical status
Walks 3x/wk/30 minCardiac Rehab unremarkable/successful
Goal: Wants to climb Mt. RainierTaking simvastatin and ACE inhibitor, and baby aspirin regimen


Part 2:

Certain individuals will nevertheless require clinical exercise testing for a number of reasons. Discuss the indications for a clinical exercise test to include an analysis of the pretest likelihood of ischemic heart disease. Prior to conducting an exercise test on a 65 year old male, you note during resting EKG the onset of previously undiagnosed atrial fibrillation.

What would your recommendation be on whether or not to proceed with symptom-limited maximal exercise testing? Explain the process of coming to your decision in this case.


Use the textbook as ONLY primary source :

American College of Sports Medicine. (2017). ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, (10th Ed.).

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Last Updated on March 26, 2019

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