Design Problem

3.Provide one (1) concrete example, via a picture, of a “thing” (e.g. product, technology, device, etc.) that you have actually encountered that reflects the “paradox of technology” and explain why.  If applicable, provide your explanation within the context of what Norman calls, “featuritis”.


  1. Design Problem: Problem Framing. Please be clear and succinct in your responses (40 pts total; up to 10pts of EC).  This is an INDIVIDUAL effort.


As the coordinator of RMU’s MS Engineering Management program, Woodrow is faced with declining enrollment in both the Integrated (4+1) and MS programs.  After being presented this information, Woodrow ponders, is “declining enrollment” truly the problem or is this a symptom of the actual problem.  In understanding the problem to, thus, provide solutions, Woodrow truly needs some new thinking in viewing this dilemma.  As budding human-centered designers and potential program stakeholders, you are being asked to provide “a different understanding of the ‘problem’”.  For as highlighted in the reading “How Good is Your Company at Problem Solving?”, “identifying a different aspect of the problem can sometimes deliver radical improvements”.


In providing a different understanding of the problem, list and describe three (3) possible reframings with complementary solution spaces (i.e. possible solutions that are afforded by these reframings – see page 79 of the referenced reading).  The reframings must be informed through research that should include, at a minimum, stakeholder insights (e.g. interviews with stakeholders or potential stakeholders, not yourself !!!!!).  You are to also include the raw research findings, as attachments, that informed your three (3) reframings.


Last Updated on March 19, 2019

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