Design of energy system
Please make a presentation. You can use online materials and chapter-1 Fluid flow through pipes to make your presentations.
Question-1: 1 Show only the sketches (drawings) of 5 systems where the design of the energy system is observed.
Question-2: Describe fundamental equations of fluid mechanics and figure 1. (section# 1-2)
Question-3: Describe equations 1-5 to 1-19 and connections between them. (section# 1-2)
Question-4: Describe how equations 1-8 and 1-9 can help you design an energy system. What terms represent pump power and losses? (section# 1-2)
Questions from section (1-3)
- What is the head loss? Describe the equations 1-10 and 1-12. What is the difference between fD-W and Ff. Discuss Moody chart in figure 1-4.
- Discuss figure 1-5 and explain relative roughness.
- Describe equations 1-14 to 1-17c. Describe the importance of this equation, parts of the equations.
- What are the hydraulic diameter and corresponding Reynolds number. (equation 18). Give example where hydraulic diameters are useful.
- What are the minor head losses? Describe the difference in equations for major and minor head losses.
- Explain minor losses in table 4 and page 15.
- Describe the equation 1-20 to 1-22. How these equations are different from the basic Bernoulli equation 1-16. You can look at file down if you need it.
Design of energy system