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Design an Exemplary Early Childhood Environment

Design an Exemplary Early Childhood Environment (Indoor & Outdoor)

You have been given the opportunity to design an early childhood environment for three, four, and five-year-old children.

· What would this look like?

· What features would you include in the design of an ideal learning space for young children in contemporary settings (e.g., room(s), floor, colour of walls, outdoor equipment), as informed through our course readings and resources?

· Inspired by Fleer and other authors in our course, share/describe what are ways in which you would involve the voices of the children, their families, and the community in the design of this space?

· Consider how the space you will develop would draw on the natural beauty of the Province of British Columbia? If so, how? What materials would you include in the classroom?

· If your place of residence is elsewhere, what are natural elements from your region or area that you would consider, how, and why?

· Document, illustrate, and reference

In this assignment, consider including sketches, drawings, photographs, or floor plans to enrich your written description of this early childhood setting. Relate your ideas and theories to the course readings (Modules One to Six) and reference accordingly. This assignment should be  approximately 6-7 pages excluding a cover page, references and 1-3 pages of photos and images (Times New Roman font, 12 pt., double spacing, American Psychological Association [APA] format).   Please see the  assignment evaluation guide for details. ECED 407 Assessment 2-guide -Ji Eun Kim-2.pdf    Download ECED 407 Assessment 2-guide -Ji Eun Kim-2.pdf   Please submit your paper in  a MS word doc file format (not PDF).

Module One Readings:

· Curtis, D. & Carter, M. (2014).  Designs for Living and Learning (Chapter 3, pp. 59-87). St Paul, MN:   Redleaf Press.

· Fleer, M. (2003). Early childhood education as an evolving “community of practice” or as lived “social reproduction”: Researching the ‘taken-for-granted’.  Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 4(1), 64-79. Available at: (Links to an external site.)

· Nolan, A. & Raban, B. (2015) Chapter 1: Theories and perspectives.In A.Nolan and B. Raban, Theories into Practice: Understanding and rethinking our work with young children, pp. 5-13. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

· Complementary:

Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework (2018).


Module 2 Readings:

· BC Ministry of Education (2019). British Columbia Early Learning Framework, pp.11-15. Retrieved from . 

· BC Ministry of Education (2020). British Columbia Early Learning Framework. A guide for families. Retrieved from 

· BC Ministry of Education (2008). Understanding the Early learning Framework: From Theory to Practice. Available at:  

· BC Ministry of Education (2008). British Columbia Early learning Framework: From Theory to Practice. Available at  

· National Institute for Early Education Research (2005). Promoting Children’s Social and Emotional Development in Preschool Education.  New Brunswick, NJ. Retrieved from: 

· National Scientific Council on the Developing Child (2009). Young Children in an Environment of Relationships. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Retrieved from:


· Pape, J-G. & Dodds, K. (n.d). This land: A companion resource for early childhood educators to accompany five short films. Land. Available at:

Module 3 Readings:

· Curtis, D. & Carter, M. (2014).  Designs for Living and Learning (Chapter 1, pp. 17-57). St Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.

· Pairman, A. & Terreni, L. (2001).  If the environment is the third teacher what language does she speak? Early Childhood Development (Nga Kaitaunaki Kohungahunga). Available (appears in slideshow format) at (Links to an external site.)

Module Five Readings:

· Curtis, D. & Carter, M. (2014).  Designs for Living and Learning (Chapter 5, pp. 127-151). St Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.

· White, R. (2006). Young children’s relationship with Nature: Its importance to children’s development and the Earth’s future.  Taproot, 16(2). The Coalition for Education in the Outdoors. Cortland, NY.


Module Six Readings:

· Atkinson, K. (2012). Pedagogical Narration: What’s It All About? An introduction to the process of using pedagogical narration in Practice, pp. 3-7.  The Early Childhood Educator, Fall 20120. Available at: (Links to an external site.)

· BC Ministry of Education (2008). Documenting the ordinary moments.  In: Understanding the British Columbia Early Learning Framework: From theory to practice, p. 12. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)  (scroll down to From Theory to Practice Document)

· Forman, G., Hall, E., & Berglund, K. (2001). The power of ordinary moments.  Child Care Information Exchange. September, 52-55. Available online: (Links to an external site.)

· Mardell, B., LeeKeenan, D., Given, H., Robinson, D., Merino, B. & Liu-Constant, Y. (2009). Zooms: Promoting schoolwide inquiry and improving practice.  Voices of practitioners, 11, 1-15. Update Feb. 11, 2019: (click on Download the Article)    (Links to an external site.) You may also try this link  HERE (Links to an external site.) :


· This article is also available through this reference (book available at the Education Library:

· Mardell, B., LeeKeenan, D., Given, H., Robinson, D., Merino, B. & Liu-Constant, Y. (2009). Zooms: Promoting schoolwide inquiry and improving practice. In G. Perry, B. Henderson, D.R. Meier, and the National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2012).  Our inquiry, our practice: Undertaking, supporting, and learning from early childhood teacher research(ers), Chapter 14. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children

· A substitute article is : Thomas, K. (2018). Co-inquiry: My process for growing as a teacher and leader.  YC Young Children, 73(1), 56-62.  UBC permalink (Links to an external site.) : Also available online at

Last Updated on April 28, 2023

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