Description Careers

Read over the list of careers in the lecture. Choose one area that interests you. Research that area a little more thoroughly and write a paper that incorporates:

  1. What are the primary tasks and duties of this type of mental health professional?
  2. How much education is required?
  3. What appeals to you about this area of mental health
  4. How does this professional work together with other professional in the mental health area?
  5. What about the job duties do you think would be a good fit with your professional values, interests and needs?

What do different Psychologists do?

Below is a list of different kinds of Psychologists and the different field within Psychology in which they work.

  1. Experimental Psychologists are research oriented professional that study human behavior and thought processes.
  2. Clinical Psychologists diagnose and treat mental, emotional and behavioral symptoms and disorders such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, substance abuse disorders etc.
  3. Industrial/Organizational Psychologists apply psychology principles to human resources (HR), sales, marketing, administration and management issues in the work place. They may be involved with training, policy planning, organizational analysis and development.
  4. Educational Psychologists do psycho-educational assessment and counseling in educational settings like schools and communities. They work with teachers, students, parents and academic administrators.
  5. Social Psychologists specialize in the factors influencing human behavior in groups. They rely on scientific research to explain why people behave and think the way they do in social settings.
  6. Developmental Psychologists specialize in social, cognitive and physiological development during the entire lifespan (infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood.) They also work with patients struggling with developmental disabilities.
  7. Psychiatrists are physicians (MD or DO) who specialize in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental, addictive and emotional disorders.  They are able to prescribe medication.
  8. Forensic Psychologists study criminal behavior. Research is a big part of the forensic psychologist’s career.  They often analyze research from mother professional as well as conduct their own. They study criminals and their crimes. They work in many areas of the justice system.
  9. School Psychologists are uniquely qualified members of the school teams that support students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to teach. They apply their expertise in mental health, learning and behavior to help youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally and emotionally.
  10. Rehabilitation Psychologists work in the branch of psychology that focuses on treating individuals with disabilities and problems that make living normal lives more difficult.
  11. Sports Psychologists help athletes perform at peak levels. This may involve dealing with emotional issues off of the field or court that may be affecting performance when playing.
  12. Military Psychologists specialize in issues affecting the military They also assist family members of soldiers struggling with emotional or mental health disorders
  13. Research Psychologists generally work for universities, government offices and private corporations. Their primary duties are to design and conduct experiments, make sure they meet ethical guidelines, conduct interviews and publish results from experiments.
  14. Cognitive Psychologists study memory, perception, learning and language. They focus on how understand and solve problems to make decisions.
  15. Biological Psychologists study the relationship of the brain and the nervous system with behavior. This field is sometimes referred to as behavioral neuroscience or Biopsychology.
  16. Cross-cultural Psychologists look at how cultural factors influence human behavior. They study how behavior differs among various cultures throughout the world.


Last Updated on August 14, 2019

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