Descartes attempts to ground all knowledge on an individual’s rational capacities. Descartes believes that an individual’s mind can be used to scientifically verify any truth primarily through his skepticism and search for analytic truths. Using the readings, explain how Descartes does this. Additionally, show how Descartes’ philosophy can relate to and support the assigned works of either Copernicus and/or Galileo. Your paper should be 4-5 pages double-spaced, normal margins. (Your name on the paper is all that is required since you will be submitting electronically.)
Papers will be evaluated as follows:
- Paper includes a clear statement of purpose (thesis) in paragraph one or soon thereafter.
- Paper’s main argument builds on the strongest arguments found in the assigned readings.
- Objection to the paper’s thesis builds on the strongest arguments found in the assigned readings and responds to the specific claims made in the main argument section.
- Major claims about arguments found in the assigned readings are supported by a properly documented quotation or paraphrase.
- Paper is free of spelling and grammatical errors