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Deliverable 2 – Strategic Management Process

Deliverable 2 – Strategic Management Process

Apply strategic management processes to analyze and improve organizational performance.
The six organizations you have to choose from (Google, Walt Disney Company, Amazon, P&G, 3M, or Ford Motor Company) at some point in their history changed their industry. For the module 01 assignment, you analyzed your chosen company’s existing strategic management plan and completed a SWOT analysis. Now comes a more in-depth evaluation of the analysis process.
Write a three- to four-page APA formatted paper with at least two outside sources (in addition to the text) that incorporate the following aspects:
Importance of analysis:
Multiple methods exist to evaluate management analysis. Discuss what some of these methods are and how can they be applied to your chosen organization.
Discuss how an organization’s resources impact a management analysis.
Discuss how value chain analysis can be used during the planning process for the future of the organization.
Improvement methods for auditing organizational performance:
Discuss the role an internal analysis can have during a more in-depth examination for improvement.
Understanding the capabilities that exist within an organization will aid in making improvements. Using your knowledge of the capabilities assessment profile and applying the necessary steps, discuss the results of the profile and how can they be applied to your chosen organization.
In addition to the aspects above, please share your thoughts on how this analysis assisted in the review of the current strategic plan. Incorporate information from the readings, your research, and personal experience (using APA citations where appropriate).
Grading Rubric
FFCBA01234No PassNo PassCompetenceProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedDoes not identify management analysis methods.Identifies management analysis methods, but does not describe how they can be applied.Identifies management analysis methods, but the description is underdeveloped and does not mention resources.Identifies management analysis methods, with a robust description that includes impact of resources.Not SubmittedNo mention of the impact of the value chain analysis.Brief mention of the impact of the value chain analysis.Adequate discussion of the impact of the value chain analysis, but incomplete description of how it can be used to plan for the future.Thorough discussion of the impact of the value chain analysis, and robust description of how it can be used to plan for the future.Not SubmittedDoes not identify the role of the internal analysis.Partially identifies the role of the internal analysis.Adequately identifies the role of the internal analysis.Thoroughly identifies the role of the internal analysis.Not SubmittedDoes not demonstrate understanding of steps needed for the capabilities assessment profile or the results.Demonstrates understanding of steps needed for the capabilities assessment profile, but does not show results.Demonstrates understanding of steps needed for the capabilities assessment profile and shows results, but not how they can be applied.Demonstrates understanding of steps needed for the capabilities assessment profile, shows results and how they can be applied.Not SubmittedDoes not share thoughts on how the analysis assisted in the review of the current strategic plan.Thoughts on how the analysis assisted in the review of the current strategic plan are unclear.Thoughts on how the analysis assisted in the review of the current strategic plan are clear, but no research is incorporated.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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