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Cultural and Ethnic Studies


In the Roman culture, almost all religions were tolerated, but Christianity was persecuted. List and discuss several reasons why this occurred

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Cultural and Ethnic Studies
There are 2 short essays which require you to apply the knowledge you have gained in a creative and subjective way. To submit your assignment, click on “Write Submission” and paste your text directly into the textbox. Do not upload document files. Each essay must be 150–200 words and include the word count in parentheses. You will submit a draft of each essay to be checked through SafeAssign. Submit your draft a few days before the final draft is due in order to receive feedback on it.

It is recommended that you read over the Essay Instructions before you view the assigned website or presentation so you can be formulating a strategy for the assignment as you proceed through the video. Each essay must be well-structured, be carefully edited and revised, and demonstrate knowledge and application of the concepts viewed within the video for that module/week. Refer to the attached Essay Grading Rubric for further details.

After you have viewed the presentation “How Should We Then Live” by Dr. Francis Schaeffer in the Module/Week 5 Reading & Study folder, address the following prompt: In the Roman culture, almost all religions were tolerated, but Christianity was persecuted. List and discuss several reasons why this occurred.

Textbook Readings

•Rawls: ◦chs. 13–14 A narrative of western culture
◦Appendix: Essay “The Apostles Creed”

•Schaeffer: ch. 1, how should we live

Presentations by francis schaeffer , how should I live parts 1-10 episodes

Cultural and Ethnic Studies

Essay Writing Software Subscription

Last Updated on February 14, 2019

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