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Critique of Existing Oral Report

READ: Chapter 11 in ETC


•Choose ONE of the videos from the links below.

•Assume this is a colleague or someone who reports to you/is under your mentorship in a professional setting. Write a critique that offers constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement. What is working well? What could be altered?

•Decide what format is most appropriate for your write-up (report, memo, letter, etc.) Write at least two pages double-spaced. More is fine.

•Format your critique appropriately. Save it as a .doc or .docx file. Upload it here.

•Using information from the readings–and other skills you’ve learned so far this semester–critique the video and the presenter’s delivery of the content. Be constructive and professional. Use the following questions to help guide your critique. You need not answer them all in order. You can cover other aspects of critique not mentioned below.

•Is the message conveyed well? Why or why not? What suggestions do you have for improvement?

•Is the style of delivery effective? Why or why not? What suggestions do you have for improvement?

•Is the construction of the video effective? Why or why not? What suggestions do you have for improvement?

•Is the length of the video "appropriate" (too long, too short, about right)? Why or why not? What suggestions do you have for improvement?

•Are graphics or slides included? Are they effective and/or informative? Why or why not? What suggestions do you have for improvement?

•How is the speaker’s tone? Volume? Clarity? What suggestions do you have for improvement?

•How is the speaker’s level of confidence? What suggestions do you have for improvement?

Assignment Videos

Choose ONE of the videos linked below

•Jane McGonigal "Gaming Can Make a Better World" from TED Talks

•Joe Smith’s "How to Use a Paper Towel" from TED talks.

•"Registered Nurse Presentation"

•"Accounting Presentation"

•"Technical Writing Presentation"


•"How to Fix an Overheating Car"



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Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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