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Criminal Justice Book Review

1) Setha Low, “The Erosion of Public Space and the Public Realm: Paranoia, Surveillance, and Privatization in New York City.” City And Society 16.1 (June 2006), 43-49.
2) Jane Jacobs, “The Uses Of Sidewalks: Safety.” The City Reader (New York: Routledge), 105-110.
3) David Harvey, “The Right to the City.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 27.4 (September 2003) 939-941
4) Asifa Iqbal and Vania Ceccato, “Is CPTED Useful to Guide the Inventory of Safety in Parks? A Case Study in Stockholm Sweden.” International Criminal Justice Review 26.2 (2016): 150-168.
ALL in-text citations from the book and the articles must be referenced with EXACT page #’s so the professor knows where the evidence is coming from!!

This is a book review of Lisa Benton-Short’s “The National Mall: No Ordinary Public Space”
The book examines the creation and the regulation of this iconic public space in Washington, DC.
In the review, you must reflect upon what this book tells us about the creation of public space, and the role that various levels of government play in its maintenance.
Why has this public space been such a contested one?
How have theseconflicts played out?
How does this relate to discussions we have been having this semester about the regulation of public space?
In evaluating the book review, the professor will be paying particular attention to the evidence you provide of your engagement with and comprehension of the text, your ability to craft a critical analysis of it, and the clarity of your prose.

Last Updated on February 5, 2018

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