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Configuring Security on Mobile Devices

Question 1 (Configuring Security on Mobile Devices)

Management approved a pilot program in which a controlled group of users can access certain company data from personally-owned mobile devices instead of purchasing corporate mobile devices for employees and contractors. As the Security Architect, you must provide Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) security best practice guidelines for employees to secure any personal mobile device used in the pilot program. Your task is to create a document demonstrating appropriate security settings.

Configure the mobile device security settings as follows, taking screenshots to demonstrate your knowledge:

Android or Apple:

Update your operating system and applications.
Encrypt phone with a strong passcode.
Back up your data.
Limit ad tracking under “Privacy, Advertising.”
Set up SIM card lock.
Disable Bluetooth and/or WiFi when not in use.

Paste screenshots into a Microsoft® Word document to demonstrate you applied appropriate configurations and that definitions are current.

Question 2 (Configuring Security on Mobile Devices,

Add a 1- to 2-page section to your Playbook/Runbook.

Create a prescriptive section of your playbook providing guidelines to secure each of these areas:

List of information and data employees are not to place online • Guidelines for interacting online • Guidelines for secure use of email • List of items staff at your company should not place on social media Revise your previous week’s Playbook/Runbook based on your facilitator’s feedback and submit as a complete document. Start the new section on a new page with headings.

Network connections
Mobile devices
Cloud services

Revise your previous week’s Playbook/Runbook based on your facilitator’s feedback and submit as a complete document. Start the new section on a new page with headings.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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