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Communications Journal Entry 3

Journal Entry 3

You have two options:

  1. Take one of the theories we have covered during the semester, summarize its components, and explain how it applies (or has applied) to you in your life. Also address what you feel are the theory’s strong points and weak points, and feel free to cite examples to illustrate the application of the theory such as a personal experience, movie, book, story, or other narrative that helps you make your point(s).
  2. There may be a specific component or aspect of a theory that intrigues you; you are free to explore that in your paper, and be sure to discuss how the component/aspect of that theory has applied or currently applies to you in your life. You may wish to consider using a personal experience, movie, book, story, or other narrative that helps you make your point(s).


  • 12-point font, double-spaced, one-inch margins
  • Follow the standard five-paragraph format (introduction that includes a thesis statement, three supporting points, conclusion that restates points and show that the thesis has been supported)
  • Name and word count in the footer
  • A minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 600 words

See attached rubric for specific grading criteria.


75-point Rubric (1)

75-point Rubric (1)
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInstructions: Did the student follow the instructions provided on Canvas or in class for the assignment?

Instructions Did the student follow the instructions provided on Canvas or in class for the assignment?

15.0 pts

All assignment-related instructions were followed. The student completely answered the question(s) posed and met all format, layout, word-count, and other requirements.

11.0 pts

Most assignment-related instructions were followed, and the student generally answered the question(s) posed.ion

7.0 pts

Some assignment-related instructions were followed, and the student somewhat answered the question(s) posed.

4.0 pts

Few assignment-related instructions were followed, and the student generally failed to address the question(s) posed.

2.0 pts

Little or no compliance with assignment-related instructions, and the student failed to address the question(s) posed.

15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDesign: Do the visual elements (headings, art, typography, spacing and format) make the document inviting and easy to read?
15.0 pts

Includes strategic placement and use of visual elements, space, and headings. Color(s) and font(s) enhance visual layout.

11.0 pts

Placement of visuals, white space and heading are generally appropriate and not distracting. Title, captions and visuals are appropriate to purpose.

8.0 pts

Placement of visuals, white space and heading are questionable and limits understanding. Title, captions and visuals limit understanding.

5.0 pts

Rating Placement of visuals limits understanding. Insufficient use of white space and headings. No title or captions. Description

3.0 pts

Visual elements, space, headings, color(s), font(s) distract and are not connected to purpose/audience.

15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization: Is the information organized and presented in a logical, easy-to-understand way?
15.0 pts

The student provides a well-organized, well-thought-out document. Transitions show relationships among ideas.

11.0 pts

Good overall organization. Includes main organizational tools. Clear and consistent central idea, thesis or goal. ption

8.0 pts

Some sense of organization, but the document does not flow well and ideas don’t seem interconnected.

5.0 pts

Organization is not logical. Ideas seem repetitive and thesis/goal appears random, unfocused or is not included at all. g Description

3.0 pts

No sense of organization.

15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Is the information complete, correct, appropriate, clear, coherent and effective?
15.0 pts

Exceptionally well presented and argued; ideas are detailed and well supported with evidence and facts; clear examples are provided.

11.0 pts

Ideas are well presented and argued; ideas are well developed and supported with evidence and details.

8.0 pts

Content is fairly sound, but ideas are lacking or carelessly presented or supported. Some examples or evidence provided.

5.0 pts

Content is incomplete and lacks detail. Ideas are generalized and lack development.

3.0 pts

Content is not sound or developed.

15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle: Does the document adhere to accepted standards of grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization and citation?
15.0 pts

Superior grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, and capitalization. Vocabulary shows precision, variety, and sophistication. Varied sentence structure and phrases to convey meaning and engage the reader.

11.0 pts

A few minor, isolated errors in grammar, syntax, punctuation, capitalization, spelling or citation. Problems may inhibit the message or distract the reader.

8.0 pts

A pattern of errors in grammar, syntax, punctuation, capitalization, spelling or citation. Some sentences are repetitive, bland, or awkward. Writing is occasionally difficult to follow

6.0 pts

Abundant errors in grammar, syntax, punctuation, capitalization, spelling or citation. Sentences are simplistic, unvaried, or wordy. Writing is awkward and difficult to follow.

3.0 pts

Excessive amounts of errors in grammar, syntax, punctuation, capitalization, spelling or citation. No Marks

15.0 pts
Total Points: 75.0


Last Updated on January 26, 2018

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