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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

The efficacy of the cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) model and its contribution in a therapeutic setting. Critically evaluate the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in a changing profession, making specific reference to its evolution over the past two decades to incorporate the recent innovations and advancements of the 3rd wave movement

– The historical origins of the C BT model

– Early contributions of this model in practice

– 2nd wave of CBT contributions and E growth

Your understanding of CBT in practice currently which involves the 3rd wave movement and offerings; outline your understanding of what the model offers now and how effective it is deemed to be in a therapeutic setting This section will critically examine the offerings of CBT in practice.

This means you may give your verdict as to what extent your reading and/or research for this assignment are true, or to what extent you agree with them.

Provide evidence taken from a wide Professional Integration: to what extent does your professional experience as a therapist agree or disagree with the theoretical knowledge of the model. Evidence of independent thinking is valuable here, showing insight and evaluation of the texts reviewed.

Last Updated on March 16, 2020

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