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Coding & Algorithm Assignment

For this Homework, please consider writing a good code (good algorithm).



Problem statement:


Write a C function SELECT with the following profile:


int Select(int * A, int p, int r, int i)


where A is an array of distinct integers, p and r are the slice boundaries of the subarray being used i.e. A[p . . r] and i is the order statistic we are selecting.



  • Well­-documented code source code(//comments)
  • h and select.c . The header file contains the profile and the other the implementation.


You may only use <stdlib.h>.


Hint: use dynamic programming

For this Homework,please consider writing a good code (good algorithm). It is going to be tested for a big triangle of random numbers.



Problem statement:


By starting from the top of the triangle below and moving to adjacent number on the row below, the maximum total from the top to bottom is 23:



7      4

2      4      6

8     5      9      3


That is, 3 + 7 + 4 + 9 = 23.


Write a C function called maxPathTotalwhich takes two parameters: The depth of the triangle and an array containing the triangle. The function returns as an integer the maximum path total.


The profile for this function is


int maxPathTotal(int, int* );


The triangle is represented in the array by reading the triangle from the left to the right. The example above is written


A = {3, 7, 4, 2, 4, 6, 8, 5, 9, 3}


Submit two files maxpath.h and maxpath.c containing the profile and the implementation of the maxPathTotalfunction.



  • Well­-documented code source code(//comments)
  • Two files:handmaxpath.c. The header file contains the profile and the other is the implementation of the maxPathTotalfunction.


Last Updated on April 21, 2019

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