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Clara Barton and how her role aided the Union’s victory in the Civil War

Clara Barton and how her role aided the Union’s victory in the Civil War

FORMAT: Research papers must include:

Ø A COVER PAGE with your name, paper title, and semester.


§ 1 page or less, with a thesis statement (saying what your paper will show or what it will prove about your topic).

§ An outline showing how you plan to develop your topic is required and should be placed at the beginning of your paper.

§ The outline shows, in abbreviated form, how your paper will be organized.

§ It should be a page or less. SAMPLE OUTLINE.

Ø 7 to 10 PAGES OF TEXT (typed, double-spaced).

§ Do not submit less than 7 pages.

§ You must have at least 7 full pages of TEXT. SAMPLE PAPER with endnotes.

§ If you type footnotes at the end of the paper, this page DOES count as part of your 7 pages.

§ Your Bibliography does NOT count as part of the 7 pages.

§ Any quotes in your paper that are over 3 lines must be INDENTED AND SINGLE-SPACED.

Ø FOOTNOTES or ENDNOTES (no "parenthetical" citations).

§ The paper must include at least three PRIMARY and four SECONDARY sources (see explanation below).

§ You MUST cite the source for any material that is not your own.

§ This is done using a footnote ("endnotes" are also acceptable).

§ Use the footnote form in either the Chicago Manual of Style or Kate Turabian’s A Guide for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations.

§ Do not use parenthetical citations (that is, an author’s name and a page number in parentheses at the end of a sentence).

§ Ask Dr. Thomas or a reference librarian for assistance.

§ Do not use encyclopedias.

§ Do not use online encyclopedias, such as Encarta or Wikipedia.


Ø A BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGE with Primary and Secondary sources separately.

§ A Bibliography is different from Endnotes or Footnotes.

§ A Bibliography goes at the very end of your paper, on a separate page – AFTER the Endnotes.

§ Follow the bibliographic form found in either the Chicago Manual of Style or Kate Turabian’s A Guide for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations.

§ A bibliography is alphabetized by author’s last name.

§ For THIS paper, you must separate the bibliography into Primary and Secondary sources. But for most research papers, you do not do that.

§ Ask Dr. Thomas or a reference librarian if you need assistance.

§ SAMPLE BIBLIOGRAPHY (scroll down ½ page).

Ø Writing assignments must be typed and double-spaced.

§ ACC Learning Resource Centers (libraries) have computers available to students.


Your paper must argue a thesis -that is, something you are trying to prove about your topic.

Ø It is not enough to say what happened and when – you must argue the historical significance of your topic.

Ø For example, if you are writing about Women on the Home front during the Civil War, you could argue that women played roles critical to success, such as working in government offices, growing crops, running businesses, and providing critical nursing care for soldiers.

Ø Your paper would then discuss and support this argument by giving evidence (examples) from historical sources. State your thesis on the OUTLINE page.

Ø Example of a thesis statement:

§ "This paper will prove that women on the home front played a critical support role during the Revolutionary War, by supporting boycotts, raising money, making or rationing critical supplies, and participating in recycling campaigns."


The paper must include at least three PRIMARY and four SECONDARY sources.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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