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Children 3 page paper

Critique a Child Development Article


Choose one article from any periodical or journal that is relevant to the physical development of the child aged from birth to 3 years old. Choose a topic that focuses on one of the following:

  • The infant’s increasing awareness of her world
  • The environmental influences on a baby’s cognitive development
  • The implications for educators in light of the critical period for learning language
  • The teaching of language
  • Nutrition and/or height/weight
  • Sensory and motor development
  • Brain development


Choose one article from any periodical or journal that is relevant to the socioemotional development of the child aged from birth to 3 years old. Choose a topic that focuses on one of the following:

  • Infant temperament
  • Personality and/or emotional development
  • Attachment or child care
  • The effects of poverty on infant temperament and emotional development


Using the questions listed as follows, write a critique of the article from the viewpoint of a scientist seeking the truth. This paper should be 3 to 6 pages long, double-spaced.

  • Who is the audience for the article (e.g., parents, teachers, adolescents)?
  • What is the topic of the article? What are some examples of information provided?
  • Does the article emphasize heredity (nature) or environment (nurture)?
  • To which domain of child development does it refer (physical, socioemotional, cognitive)?
  • Does the article rely on scientific findings, expert opinion, or case example?
  • Do the conclusions of the article seem valid?

In a concluding paragraph(s), give your personal evaluation of what was covered in the article and whether it advances our knowledge and understanding of child development.



Last Updated on September 30, 2018

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