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Characteristics of quantitative research

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Characteristics of quantitative research

Quantitative research involves gathering and analyzing data by use of numbers and graphs. Researchers apply the research method to test and confirm assumptions and theories. Most of the quantitative research methods involve carrying out experiences and recoding of results using graphs and numbers. The research embraces closed-ended questions.

Quantitative research is easier to understand is explanatory and descriptive-oriented (Gay, Mills, Airasian, 2012). The research’s main role is to analyze peer-reviewed literature and identify the research problems while relating the purpose of the research is solving the current challenges affecting people in the current world. Based on selected samples, the research method focuses on small participants. Small participants enable the researchers to be specific and provide measurable results.

Quantitative research focused on first-hand information which has not been predetermined by focusing mostly on the numerical data. The research method deals with the statistical method of analyzing data. The result from the research method is ascertained after comparing results from various past researches. Based on reporting, the method provides results that are fixed and free from biased.

Characteristics of qualitative research

On the other hand, qualitative research methods involve the collection of data through open-ended question methods. Unlike quantitative research, the method uses words to express and understand experiences, thoughts, and concepts. The best thing about this kind of research method it helps one to understand complicated topics.

The qualitative research method is understanding and exploratory-oriented. The method is less concerned about peer-reviewed literature and only concentrates on the justification of the research problem. The method is broad and general and uses a large number of participants. The method focuses on the presentation of data in terms of image data and text. The research represents information through thematic development, analysis, description, and text analysis based on the interpretation and analysis of data. However, most of the finding from the research is biased and reflexive.


first is to identify the research problem, which provides a platform for the method to be undertaken when solving the problem through a study. Before developing a research problem, the researcher should differentiate between a research problem and a non-research problem. A human being encounters many challenges, but some cannot qualify to be a research problem.

The second step is reviewing literature; it is a critical process in research since it allows the researcher to evaluate the research problem within his study area. The step allows the researcher to gather a lot of knowledge to research acceptably.

The third step is to select the sample size that enables the researcher to identify participants affected by the research questions. The process allows researchers to obtain information from a population that will provide the most accurate information to a research question. In the research problem is involving a hospital setting, the participants should be healthcare personnel.

Article summary

The article focuses on qualitative research characteristics when researching healthcare education and promotion among healthcare personnel. According to the article, qualitative research provides more depth research based on the research problem (Watkins, 2012). The method is effective in providing solutions to problems affecting social and behavioral science. The method provides better and applicable insights; it is also effective in analyzing and providing recommendations for massive and deeper data that may affect a particular group of people.


Gay, L. R. Mills, GE Airasian, P.(2012). Educational research: Competencies for analysis and application.

Watkins, D. C. (2012). Qualitative research: The importance of conducting research that doesn’t “count.” Health promotion practice13(2), 153-158.

Last Updated on March 11, 2021

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