Type of service:
Research Paper
Double spacing
Paper format:
Number of pages:
1 page
Number of sources:
3 sources
Paper detalis:
In preparation for this discussion watch the videos below:
“Biology: Cell Structure” located at:
“Immortal Cells Turn 96” located at:
Prepare a substantive response in which you address the following:
Part I: Compare and Contrast the working parts found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. How do the structures of the cell organelles dictate their specific functions?
Part II: Scientists are learning to manipulate living cells in various ways, changing their genetic composition and the way they function.
Some biotechnology companies have sought to patent their unique engineered cell lines. Do you think it is in society’s best interest to
allow cells to be patented? Why or why not? Do you think the same patent rules should apply whether the cells originate from a human or from a bacterium?
Provide specific examples and references to the video in your response.
Review chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of the text: essential biology with psychology
Create a question for your instructor based on the presentation. Your question should demonstrate critical thought and relate directly back to the concepts presented in the presentation