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Capital Markets Case Report


Final Project Guidelines and Rubric


The Federal Reserve System sets policies that facilitate economic and financial activities with the intention of achieving maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates. Companies must review and assess the impact of Fed policies to their long-term financial planning. Understanding and incorporating these policies into their financial strategic planning is necessary for a company to be successful.


In the final project for this course, you will select a Fortune 500 firm for which you will assume the role of chief financial officer (CFO). Given the scenario provided in the prompt below (detailing recent actions taken by the Federal Reserve), you must perform an investigation and analysis for the firm’s board of directors. Specifically, you will need to profile your organization, explain the role of the Federal Reserve to your audience, analyze the particular impacts of the recent Fed actions to capital markets, and put together appropriate recommendations to improve your firm’s financial position, as well as protect it from financial risk. The product of your inquiry and evaluation will be compiled into a capital markets case report.


The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure a quality final submission. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Seven. The final project will be submitted in Module Nine.


In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:


  • Interpret macroeconomic events through the lens of firms’ strategic objectives to determine their likely impacts to capital marketconditions
  • Utilize tools of risk management to accurately identify and effectively balance risk and return in corporate management and portfoliomanagement
  • Evaluate the role of the Federal Reserve System in driving macroeconomic events that influence capitalmarkets
  • Develop strategies for ethically improving the financial position of corporations based on sound assessments of capital marketopportunities


In your capital markets case report, respond to the following scenario:


Imagine you are the chief financial officer (CFO) of the Fortune 500 company you chose in Module One (JPMorgan Chase & Co., AT&T, or Qualcomm). Given the positive macroeconomic trends, including improvements in labor market conditions, the Federal Reserve recently increased the federal funds rate. With the continued improvement in economic outlook, the Federal Reserve is poised to increase the federal funds rate again in the near future. The Fed believes that with the gradual increase in monetary policy, the economic activities and labor market will strengthen and inflation will remain consistent. As the CFO of your company, you must analyze and evaluate the likely impacts of the aforementioned Federal Reserve monetary policy actions to the wider economy (and specifically, to capital markets), as well as the resulting implications for your firm. Based on your assessment, you will put forth various

recommendations to the company’s board for improving their financial position while safeguarding against corporate risk.




Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:


  1. Executive Summary: Summarize the key findings of your report using sufficient detail for your intendedaudience.
  2. Organizational Profile: Describe the nature and structure of your organization. Specifically, identify the major strategic objectives of the organization. Be sure to clearly outline and carefully examine each, as you will need to refer back to these in your analysis of the scenario and in defending your financial recommendations.

III.    The Federal Reserve System

  1. Illustrate the primary role and functions of the Federal Reserve System using specific examples. For example, what are its key macro-activities and their economicconsequences?
  2. Explain the operational mechanics of the Federal Reserve System in terms of its structures and governance using specific details. In other words, how does the system work on a day-to-daybasis?
  3. Illustrate the potential for the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies to impact capital markets using specific examples. For example, how can the Federal Reserve “make waves” in capital markets through their communications or lackthereof?
IV.    Analysis of the Scenario
  1. Interpret the macroeconomic events described in the scenario to determine their likely impacts to capital market conditions. Cite specific evidence and principles discussed in the course that support yourclaims.
  2. Draw connections between your analysis of the events and the more specific likely impacts to your own firm and their strategic objectives. Cite specific evidence and principles discussed in the course that support yourclaims.
  3. Assess the potential for the macroeconomic events to pose financial risks to yourfirm.
    1. First accurately identify the risks. For example, how might your firm be negatively impacted by fluctuations in the money supply? Provide a specific example to illustrate each identifiedrisk.
    2. Then measure (i.e., quantify) the risks using appropriate financial tools. For example, consider calculating your firm’s debt-to-capital ratio, debt/equity ratio, interest coverage ratio and their degree of combinedleverage.

V.      Recommendations

  1. Based on your analysis of the scenario, recommend specific risk management strategies for mitigating or otherwise addressing the identified risks. Defend your proposal using specific evidence and principles discussed in thecourse.
B.      Financial Strategies
  1. Propose specific investment strategies that are informed by your analysis and that clearly support the organization’s strategic objectives. Defend each using evidence and principles discussed in thecourse.
  2. Propose specific funding strategies that are informed by your analysis and that clearly support the organization’s strategic objectives. Defend each using evidence and principles discussed in thecourse.
  • Finally, defend each of your proposals as being appropriately ethical. Discuss any potential legal or regulatory considerations and indicate how your strategies specifically acknowledgeeach.






Milestone One: The Federal Reserve System



In Module Two, you will submit a draft of Section III of the final project (The Federal Reserve System). This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.


Milestone Two: Organizational Profile

In Module Four, you will submit a draft of Section II of the final project (Organizational Profile). This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.


Milestone Three: Analysis of the Scenario

In Module Seven , you will submit a draft of Section IV of the final project (Analysis of the Scenario). This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.


Final Project Submission: Capital Markets Case Report

In Module Nine, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final project. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.




MilestoneDeliverableModule DueGrading
OneThe Federal Reserve SystemTwoGraded separately; Milestone One Rubric
TwoOrganizational ProfileFourGraded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
ThreeAnalysis of the ScenarioSevenGraded separately; Milestone Three Rubric
 Final Submission: Capital Markets Case ReportNineGraded separately; Final Project Rubric



Final Project Rubric

Guidelines for Submission: Your capital markets case report should be 10 to 12 pages in length and should use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


Critical ElementsExemplary (100%)Proficient (90%)Needs Improvement (70%)Not Evident (0%)Value
Executive SummaryMeets “Proficient” criteria and balances necessary detail with clear, concise languageSummarizes key findings of the report using sufficient detail for the intended audienceSummarizes the report but fails to highlight key findings using sufficient detail for the intended


Does not summarize the report5
Organizational ProfileMeets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates appreciation for the significance of firm’s strategic objectivesDescribes the nature and structure of the organization, including clearly identifying and examining the major strategic


Describes the nature and structure of the organization but fails to clearly or accurately identify or examine the major

strategic objectives

Does not describe the nature and structure of the organization7.5
The Federal Reserve System: Role and FunctionsMeets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates nuanced understanding of the role of the Federal Reserve System in driving macroeconomic eventsAccurately illustrates the primary role and functions of the Federal Reserve System using specific examples of its key macro-activities and their economic consequencesIllustrates the primary role and functions of the Federal Reserve System, but there are inaccuracies or fails to use specific examples of key macro- activities and their economic


Does not illustrate the primary role and functions of the Federal Reserve System7.5
The Federal Reserve System: Operational MechanicsMeets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates nuanced understanding of the operations of the Federal Reserve SystemAccurately explains the operational mechanics of the Federal Reserve System in terms of its structures and governance with specific detailsExplains the operational mechanics of the Federal Reserve System, but there are inaccuracies or fails to fully address its structures and

governance with specific details

Does not explain the operational mechanics of the Federal Reserve System7.5
The Federal Reserve System: Capital MarketsMeets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates nuanced understanding of the role of the Federal Reserve System in driving macroeconomic events

that influence capital markets

Accurately illustrates the potential for the Federal

Reserve’s monetary policies to impact capital markets using specific examples

Illustrates the potential for the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies to impact capital markets, but there are inaccuracies or fails to use

specific examples

Does not illustrate the potential for the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies to impact capital markets7.5



Analysis of the Scenario: Impacts to Capital Market ConditionsMeets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a sophisticated ability to interpret macroeconomic eventsInterprets the macroeconomic events described in the scenario to determine their likely impacts to capital market conditions and cites specific, supporting evidence and principles discussed in the courseInterprets the macroeconomic events described in thescenario but fails to determine their likely impacts to capital market conditions or cite specific, supporting evidence and principles discussed inthe


Does not interpret the macroeconomic events described in the scenario7.5
Analysis of the Scenario: Impacts to the FirmMeets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a sophisticated ability to interpret macroeconomic eventsDraws connections between the events and the more specific likely impacts to the firm and their strategic objectives using specific, supporting evidence

and principles discussed in the course

Draws connections between the events and the impacts to the firm but fails to reasonably or specifically address the strategic objectives using supporting

evidence and principles discussed in the course

Does not draw connections between the events and the impacts to the firm7.5
Analysis of the Scenario: Identify RisksMeets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a sophisticated ability to identify risks in corporate and portfolio managementAssesses the potential for macroeconomic events to pose financial risks to the firm by accurately identifying risk using a specific example to illustrate


Assesses the potential for macroeconomic events to pose financial risks to the firm but fails to fully or accurately identify risks using a specific

example to illustrate each

Does not assess the potential for macroeconomic events to pose financial risks to the firm7.5
Analysis of the Scenario: Measure RisksMeets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a sophisticated ability to utilize tools of financial

risk management

Quantifies the risks using appropriate financial tools, and all calculations are accurateQuantifies the risks but fails to use appropriate financial tools, or not all calculations are


Does not quantify the risks7.5
Recommendations: Risk Management StrategiesMeets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a sophisticated ability to balance risk and reward in corporate and portfolio managementRecommends specific risk management strategies for mitigating or otherwise addressing the identified risks and defends proposal using specific evidence and principles discussed in the courseRecommends risk management strategies, but not all are specific or would reasonably mitigate or otherwise address each of the identified risks, or does not defend proposalsusing specific evidence andprinciples

discussed in the course

Does not recommend risk management strategies7.5



Recommendations: Investment StrategiesMeets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates particular insight or creative strategy development for improving the financial position of corporations based on sound assessments of capital market opportunitiesProposes specific investment strategies that are informed by the analysis and that clearly support the organization’s strategic objectives, and defends each using evidence and principles discussed in the courseProposes investment strategies, but not all are specific or properly informed by the analysis or do not clearly support the organization’s strategic objectives, or does not defend each using evidence and principles discussed in the


Does not propose investment strategies7.5
Recommendations: Funding StrategiesMeets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates particular insight or creative strategy development for improving the financial position of corporations based on sound assessments of capital market opportunitiesProposes specific funding strategies that are informed by the analysis and that clearly support the organization’s strategic objectives; defends each using evidence and principles discussed in the courseProposes funding strategies, but not all are specific or properly informed by the analysis or do not clearly support the

organization’s strategic objectives, or does not defend each using evidence and principles discussed in the


Does not propose funding strategies7.5
Recommendations: Ethical DefenseMeets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates nuanced understanding of the ethical considerations and landscape of capital markets and corporate financeDefends each proposal as being appropriately ethical by discussing any potential legal or regulatory considerations and indicating how the strategies specifically acknowledge eachDefends proposals as being appropriately ethical but fails to fully or accurately discuss any potential legal or regulatory considerations or indicate how the strategies specifically

acknowledge each

Does not defend proposals as being appropriately ethical7.5
Articulation of ResponseSubmission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy to read


Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organizationSubmission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of

main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas5


Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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