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What is the relationship between your topic and future success, both in college and beyond? How does the article address the topic and its relevance to success?

Please only use the Article/source below to write my paper. And answering the questions above.


This assignment consists of one short paper and one informal presentation, and it is 10% of your final grade. (5% for draft and 5% for final and presentation)


Assignment Overview:

You are expected to complete one short paper (two pages- double spaced, APA format). You will informally present during class. You must include the article with your draft AND final papers.

Your paper will synthesize an article taken from the business press and answer the questions provided below. The presentation will be a 5-minute informal delivery of your paper. For more information on how to search for a relevant article, you should use the InfoGuide and instructional video below:


Choose one of the following topics for the Business Press Paper:


  1. Problem Solving in Business
  2. Cultural Awareness in Business Environment
  3. Motivation in the workplace
  4. Self-Management in the Business Environment
  5. Self-Efficacy in the workplace


Respond to the following questions in your analysis of the article:


What is the relationship between your topic and future success, both in college and beyond? How does the article address the topic and its relevance to success?


Articles can be taken from any of the following:

The Wall Street Journal


The Washington Post

Harvard Business Press

The Financial Times

The Economist

— Bloomberg Businessweek (formerly BusinessWeek)

Last Updated on March 30, 2020

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