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Business Law Assignment 2

Business Law

Enron Assignment

Directions: Follow the instructions below to answer the questions provided.  MAKE SURE TO READ EACH QUESTION ENTIRELY.

  1. After watching the video about Enron, Inc., explain the unethical practices of the Board of Directors and Operating Officers of the Corporation.
  2. In the case of Enron, Inc., several Officers and Managers (employees) were charged criminally. Explain why these employees were charged personally and not protected by the corporate entity structure.
  3. Find an online current event in the news (within the last year) about Corporate Greed/Corruption. Post a link to the article and give a one paragraph synopsis explaining the article and relate it to a topic from this chapter.

Business Law

Application Questions for Contracts

Directions: Follow the instructions below to answer the questions provided.  MAKE SURE TO READ EACH QUESTION ENTIRELY.


1.Define what the purpose of the UCC is and how it helps businesses in the sale of goods.


  1. What is the difference between an express and an implied contract? Give an example of each.



  1. Find a current event on the internet involving a contract dispute between two or more businesses. Post a link to the article you read, explain what the contract dispute is about, and relate the dispute to concepts you learned in this week’s chapter.


Enron – Take a look at this video discussing the rise and fall of Enron Inc. The unethical practices of Enron is the main reason several accounting procedures in the corporate world changed in the early 2000s.

Link to video:

Website: Ohio Revised Code – Corporations

Click on the link below to review some of the important Ohio Revised Code Sections about Corporations, which will allow you to better understand corporate formation, operation, management, and dissolving.

ORC 1701 (

Focus on:











Last Updated on June 30, 2019

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