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Business Ethics Assignments


Murshid works for a firm which has a strict policy against employees sending work-related emails to their personal

email accounts. The concern is over client confidentiality and information security risks, and the policy applies to

all employees and managers at all levels. Murshid discovers that other analysts do not always follow the rule. They

email spreadsheet models to their personal email accounts on Thursday so they can work on them from home over

the weekend. Although employees have company-owned laptops, taking them home is inconvenient, and

employees cannot log into the company’s network from home computers. While working with his boss on a

project, Murshid is asked to send several files to his boss’s personal email account so she can review them at her

country home over the weekend. Murshid’s boss would play a significant role in writing his end-of-year

performance review.


  1. Should Murshid comply with his boss’s request, or refuse? (5 marks) (Answer must be 150 words)

b.Why one should use personal email for official purpose? (5 marks) (Answer must be 150 words)

  1. What are the consequences of using WhatsApp, personal texts with customers other than official email?

(5 marks) (Answer must be 150 words)

d.What kind of privacies are affected in this case? Is it right to disturb privacy?

(5 marks) (Answer must be 150 words)


In September 2010, the French Parliament passed a bill prohibiting people from covering their faces in public

areas. While this law applied to all citizens and all forms of face covering, it became known as France’s ―burka

bill‖. Its targeted Muslim women who wore burkas—religious garments covering the face and body—in public.

French lawmakers argued that the law was important for the separation of church and state and for the welfare and

protection of the rights of the women. However, some in the French Muslim community saw the bill as an

undermining of religious freedom. They argued that French legislators were imposing their idea of gender equality

onto their culture. Many of them, including some women, argued that wearing burkas actually protected the

women from the physical objectification in the Western culture. A number of women protested the bill by dressing

in burkas and going to the offices of lawmakers who supported the legislation. One of these women critiqued the

bill, stating, ―My quality of life has seriously deteriorated since the ban, the politicians claimed they were liberating us; what they’ve done is to exclude us from the social sphere.‖ The law was challenged in 2014 and taken to the European Court of Human Rights.


  1. Should all religious practices be tolerated in a free society? Are there limits to what you think should be

allowed? Explain your reasoning. (5 marks) (Answer must be 150 words)

  1. If you were in France as a student in a college, what steps would you have taken to protect your rights as a

Muslim and as a human? (5 marks) (Answer must be 150 words)

  1. Should any kind of religious clothes be banned in schools and colleges? Justify your answer in five points.

(5 marks) (Answer must be 150 words)


Whiz kids School, a school in a small town in Africa was in need of improvement for the last five years. Unless 58

percent of students passed the math portion of the standardized test and 67 percent passed the language arts

portion, school could be closed down. Its students would be separated and bussed across town to different schools.

Mr. Tom, The Principal of the school had pushed his students to work harder than they ever had in preparing for

the test. But he knew that it would be difficult for many of them to pass. Tom had changed their students’ answers

on the standardized tests under the guise of erasing stray pencil marks. He asked the other teachers to do the same.

Benet, a Math’s teacher found the exams of students who needed to get a few more questions right in order to pass.

He changed their answers. The students would lose their neighborhood school and the community that had

developed within it if the teachers did not do this. Thanks to Tom and other teachers, the school students did better

than ever on the standardized tests. Jack, a former student at Parks at the time, recalled, ―Everyone was jumping

up and down,‖ after a teacher announced the school had met the goals of No Child Left Behind for the first time.

After six months, 25 agents of the Central Bureau of Investigation visited Whiz kids and other African schools.

The investigators concluded that teachers and administrators at 20 schools had cheated in the manner that Lewis

had. 100 teachers had confessed of cheating were placed on administrative leave, including Mr. Tom. Later that

year, Tom was terminated.


  1. Who are the stakeholders in this case study, and what was at stake for each party? How might each have

influenced Mr. Tom’s actions? Explain. (5 marks) (Answer must be 150 words)

  1. In this case study, what were the benefits of falsifying students’ test scores? What were the harms?

(5 marks) (Answer must be 150 words)


  1. Do you think cheating can ever be ethically justifiable? Why or why not? (5 marks) (Answer must be 150


Last Updated on May 16, 2020

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