Augmentation in maxilla and mandible.
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a. 4 pages (title, background, objective of the thesis, research questions, methods, result structure)
b.1 page (Bibliography)
1 1
Table of Content
I. Research Proposal Description
II. Thesis Outline for Research Proposal
III. Research Proposal Format
2 2
I、Research Proposal Description
Dentistry – Implantology & Oral Surgery |
Augmentation in maxilla and mandible. |
4 pages (title, background, objective of the thesis, research questions, methods, result structure) 1 page (Bibliography) Total 5 pages (1,375 words) |
II、Thesis Outline for Research Proposal
(1) Title
(2) Introduction/ State of research in the field
(3a) Thesis objective
(3b) Research questions
(4) Methods
(5) Results structure
(6) Bibliography
3 3
III、Research Proposal Format
The page format of the master thesis is portrait (A4) The text font should be 12 point
Times New Roman Line spacing is 1.5 lines The margins are as follows:
top: 2.5 cm
bottom: 2 cm
left: 4 cm
right: 2 cm
Page numbers are to be placed top centred. Page numbering starts with the table of
contents (page 2) and should use arabic numbers through the whole text.
Citation style 1: Journal articles
All journal citations have to include the information listed below (example 1). The only
exception is if the article is published online prior to being published
in print. In this case you cannot give volume number and page range; instead write epub
ahead of print and give the doi number in brackets (example 2).
The author(s) surname first, followed by initials
Year of publication, in parentheses
Article title
Abbreviated name of journal (official abbreviation according to Index Medicus)
Volume number:first page-last page
1. Hermann JS, Buser D, Schenk RK, Schoolfield JD, Cochran DL. (2001): Biologic
Width around one- and two- piece titanium implants. Clin Oral Implants Res,
Citation style 2: Books
If books are cited, the following information has to be included:
The author(s) surname first, followed by initials
Year in parenthesis
Title of article in book
In: editor(s) surname followed by initials
Name of book
Name of publisher
Place of publication
Page range
Example 2:
2. Sulikowski A (2008) Essential in Aesthetics. In: Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry,
Principles and Practice, Editors: Tarnow DP, Chu SJ, Kim J., Montage Media
Corporation, New York, pp 27-65.
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