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Week 1: Applicaƭon Assignment
Due by Saturday, 11:59 p.m. MT end of Week 1 (120 pts)
Complete the following assignment using APA format and attached as a Microsoft Word document:
For this assignment, use the library resource CINHAL. To access this resource:
1) Go to your course home page and click on StevensHenager SHARC Academic Resource Center.
2) Next, click on Library Databases located in the top lefthand corner
3) Under Healthcare and Nursing, you will see CINHAL. If you have not used CINHAL before, make sure
that you select Click to Read the CINAHL Description for ID & Password
4) After you are familiar with how to use CINAHL, click on Search CINHAL
After typing in the User ID and Password, select Advanced Search. To conduct your search, you can type in various topics in
the different sections (i.e. healthcare in the first box, law in the next box, ethics in the third box). Under Limit your results,
make sure that you check Peer Reviewed on the right hand side. You should also check Full Text.
Assignment: After reviewing a minimum of 4 peerreviewed journal articles, develop an annotated bibliography that
examines the relationship between healthcare practitioners and the law and/or ethics.
Independence University uses UnPlag as a plagiarism checker. If you would like to check your paper with UnPlag’s “precheck” option, please go
to your program’s community course. If you do not have access to your program’s community course, please contact your Faculty Program
Advisor to request access.
Community Course Links:
School of Healthcare Associate Community of Practice
School of Healthcare Undergraduate Community of Practice
School of Healthcare Master Community of Practice
If you choose to use the “precheck option,” you will be able to upload a draft of your assignment, and receive UnPlag’s Originality Report. If you
find you have too much material from outside sources, or your sources are not cited correctly, you can make changes prior to submitting your
assignment. Instructions on how to use Pre Check are available in your community courses.
If you do not want to use the “precheck” option, you will submit your assignment in the dropbox below by selecting the blue Final Submission
Please see the short video below for instructions on how to submit your paper in this course.
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