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Aging Native Americans



5 slides, picture not count as 1 slide

This week we will explore how these identities intersect, by examining how media portrayals shape our understanding of people.

Before sharing your PowerPoint, consider all of the identity groups represented in this course and select a group with at least two classifiers.

For example, you could select “aging Native Americans.” This includes people perceived as aging or elderly, as well as people considered “Native American,” whether or not they fit the image of either description.

More readings: Biology of aging

Create a slide presentation (PPT) of images, words, or phrases of at least 5 media examples that, in your view, popularly represent the ways in which members these groups are portrayed.

Note: media is broader than pop culture, so you can choose images from news articles, video clips, social media posts, or any other forms of communication to incorporate in this presentation.

You are encouraged to get creative in how you present your media examples.

Consider using Adobe Spark or Canva to share the images, text, audio, and video in your presentation.

In your initial PPT, share your presentation and Each identity group need to have their own 2-3 paragraph rationale for why you chose these portrayals.

  1. Identify the stereotypes that each selected identity group faces, based on each individual classifier, and based on the interactions between them. (For example, if you chose a classifier based on aging and another based on race, identify the stereotypes associated with each, then comment on how those stereotypes interact.)
  2. How does the media influence our understanding of this group?
  3. Do you see these media portrayals as positive, negative, or neutral?
  4. Use the course materials to inform your rationale.

(down here are some course materials)

After reading Chapter 6 and the stories for this week, write what you think the desire + danger is in in Akhil Sharma’s story for this week, Surrounded by Sleep. Sellers explains desire + danger = tension. (Reading’s screenshot are at the below)

No outside sources

After studying her explanations for today,

  1. Explain the tension in Sharma’s story.
  2. In your mind, what is the desire and danger that creates tension?
  3. What are incidents or events that make that tension caused by desire + danger increase as the story goes along?
  4. What you think the desire + danger is in in Akhil Sharma’s story

We are tracking this to understand these moves and bring such elements into our own stories.

Beginning writers, can mistake danger and desire to = “wild” events. Constantly throwing in wild catastrophes that can be just as boring as no tension.

Think about how simple the tension it is, but how specific and engaging it becomes.

Example: Desire (the narrator does not want to be with her fiancé Will anymore but doesn’t fully realize it yet) + danger (Will is coming to visit)

To receive full points for this assignment, you must address the full prompt above, in bold. Address all parts in 4-6 sentences. (1 page)

Short Story Concept (no outside sources allowed)

Submit a rough concept/subject of your short story’s tension and two events that will help propel the plot/tension forward.

To receive full points your rough concept should include in your 2 pages word (add a word count)  plan:

  1. What your desire + danger is for your upcoming story, what is your story about

Example: Desire (the narrator does not want to be with her fiancé Will anymore but doesn’t fully realize it yet) + danger (Will is coming to visit)

  1. “Two” actions or incidents that will complicate the tension

Think about how in Mary Robinson’s Pretty Ice actions and incidents like the narrator’s mother’s nearly flat tire adds to the narrator’s aggravated feelings about the morning, the weight the narrator’s fiancè has gained feeds into her changed feelings about him, his failure to secure a grant leads to him saying they should postpone the wedding, the narrator’s insistence he should stay in a motel adds to the distance felt between them.

The actions can be small but really contribute to the tension and plot of the story.

  1. What the first line of your story is. 

Think about how each of this week’s story hold tension already in the first line of each story, for examples:

Robinson: I was up the whole night before my fiancè was due to arrive from the East–drinking coffee, restless and pacing, my ears ringing.

Sharma: One August afternoon, when Ajay was ten years old, his elder brother, Aman, dove into a pool and struck his head on the cement bottom.

Again, your post should include 1-3 above and be 2 pages. Include a word count.

At this point, you should be able to sketch your concept. You may also want to have written at least part of the story.

Last Updated on November 24, 2020

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