African American History

This essay must be at least 300 words. The essay and 2 peer responses (at least 200 words each) are due Sunday, 11:55 p.m. ET. Post your essay as early as possible so students have time to respond. They are both graded with the essay grading rubric. Therefore, do not use your textbook or an encyclopedia. Research in the library or from the course bibliography. You must cite and use at least one academic source. You may research on the internet, but if you do, you must use credible sources only (Wikipedia,, blogs etc are not credible sources, for example). The following links can help you determine which sources are credible or non-credible during your research: Credible vs non-credible sources, Getting Started With Research, Why I Shouldn’t Use Wikipedia and Identifying your Resources.
Remember that this is a formal essay of at least 300 words and you need an introduction (with a thesis statement), body, and conclusion. Two responses must be at least 200 words each. Respond as many times as you wish. Your best two responses will be graded. You must cite and use at least one academic source. Because students must respond, please post your essay as soon as possible.
Tell the class the history of this person(s) as it relates to African American Military History and remember to cite where you found your information.
Pick wisely!!!..These are first come, first serve. Points will be deducted for repeating material already covered and you must label your forum heading with the key figure’s name or group’s name.
***You can label your heading prior to writing your forum response- go back after you label your post and edit it to add the information. This way you can claim the person before someone else does. An example of Forum heading title is: Retired 4-star General Colin Powell.
Pick one from the list below of African American Military figures.
Dorie Miller
James Stone
Harlem Hellfighters
James Reese Europe
Henry Johnson
Needham Roberts
1918 Army Nurse Corps
78th Tank Battalion
24th Infantry Regiment
Charles B. Hall
Triple Nickels -555th Parachute Infantry Company
Harriet M. Waddy
Nancy Leftenant-Colon
William Henry Thompson
Clotilde Dent Bowen
Fred Moore
Milton L. Olive III
Benjamin L. Hunton
Frederic E. Davidson
Clara Leach Adams-Ender
Hazel Winifred Johnson
Roscoe Robinson Jr.
Sherian Grace Cadoria
Henry Doctor Jr.
Freddie Stowers
Larry Jordan
Imam Abdul-Rasheed Muhammad
Gene C. McKinney
Vernon Baker
Erroll M. Brown
Samuel A. Woods Jr.
Wesley A. Brown
Benjamin Oliver Davis Sr.
Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr.
Ruth Lucas
Juanita Bell
Lloyd W. “Fig” Newton
Daniel H. “Chappie” James Jr.
Marcelite Jordan Harris
Virgil and Sheldon Starkes
Carlette “CJ” Jones
James E. Johnson
Frederick C. Branch
Frank E. Peterson Jr.
James Anderson Jr.
Alford McMichael
Denise H. Hoover
Gilda Jackson
Henry Ossian Flipper
Walter E. Gaskin Sr.
Jeannette Winters
Vertner W. Tandy
Irene Trowell-Harris
Bernard Whitfield Robinson
William Baldwin
USS Harmon
Samuel Lee Gravely Jr.
1944 WAVES
Phyllis Mae Dailey
Carl Maxie Brashear
Jesse Leroy Brown
Michelle Howard
Donnie Cochran
Henry McNeal Turner
Henry Vinson Plummer
Buffalo Soldiers (after 1877)
Charles Young
Allen Allensworth (after 1877)
Fort Des Moines, Iowa
Leo Pinckney
369th Infantry Regiment
Lillian Elaine Fishburne
J. Paul Reason
Eugene Bullard
51st and 52nd Defense Battalion
51st Composite Defense Battalion
Ronald Bailey
92nd Infantry unit
332nd Fighter group of the Tuskegee Airmen

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Pick one historical figure or group listed below- each of these people or groups are connected to African American Military History from 1877 to 2017.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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