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Admin and Supervision

Professor Question 6 for Chapter 11

(1) What are the 8 methods/types of organizational communication?

(2) What are 8 modern tools of communication and how do they work?

(3) What are the 7 C’s of communication?

(4) Which do you think is the most important communication skill, speaking or writing; and DISCUSS why?

(5) Which is more difficult written or spoken communication; and DISCUSS why?

(6) DISCUSS six factors that can improve your communication skills?

(7) I reviewed several articles on how to improve communications within an organization. Pick seven from the following list you think most important and DISCUSS why, or discuss seven of your personal suggestions on how to improve organizational communications.

  1. Assess your current internal communication strategy 2. Optimize your meeting strategy. 3. Conduct regular 1:1 meetings with team members. 4. Involve your team members in the creation of internal content. 5. Leverage technology to enhance your team’s communication. 6. Share bad news quickly and clearly. 7. Place an emphasis on team-building activities. 8. Reduce one-way communication. 9. Encourage employees to share information about themselves. 10. Keep your company’s mission and vision at the forefront. 11. Forego unnecessary meetings and emails. 12. Dismantle the hierarchy. 13. Make communication into a habit. 14. Encourage sharing, input and dialogue 15. Have managers lead by example 16. Get employee buy-in 17. Make Objectives and goals public 18. Use online tools instead of meetings 19. Establish regular communication processes 20. Train people in the language of sharing 21. Use mobile tools 22. Less is more 23. Survey your employees

Last Updated on November 17, 2020

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