General Instructions:
As you create your posts, please keep in mind the following:
Initial post:
- Do not include the question text. Just enter your thoughts regarding the question.
- Posts need to be at approximately 100 words in length.
- Be professional.
- Create your post in Word, check spelling and grammar, then copy and paste your paragraph(s) to the discussion board.
- Be sure to save your Word document, you will need it later.
Responses to classmates:
- At least two posts, each to a separate classmate, giving positive feedback or comments.
- Start by giving the name of the person to whom you are responding.
- Posts need to be at least 50 words in length
- Spell and grammar check
- Be professional
- Create these posts in the same Word file as your initial post, then copy and paste your response(s) to the discussion board.
- Save your Word document
Prior to the Sunday deadline, please upload the Word file that contains all of your posts to the Access Discussion dropbox, found in Assignments or click the link below. The file should submit through Turnitin. Name your file as: CIACourseNumber Access-Last name First name. Example: CIA1403 Access-Karen Sweeney.
Assignment & Questions:
View the GO! to Work Videos, for all three Access chapters, located in the Learning Resources folder of MyITLab.
Answer this question as it would relate to your major or area of interest (if undecided).
- Think about the different types of data you may encounter in your career field. Describe some specific types of data that you could use in a database, and how you could organize that data effectively. As part of your description, you should include possible field names, as well as useful queries, forms, or reports that could be derived from the data.
Your discussion grade will be determined by the CIA Discussion Rubric. The instructor may use his/her own discretion in awarding partial points for incomplete work. Signs of plagiarism indicated by a high Turnitin score may also result in loss of points, and possibly a 0 for the assignment.