- The development of a forensic lab for computers and mobile devices involves numerous specialized tools. Describe both hardware and software tools that might be utilized in such a lab.
- Select ONE type of software tool from the list below. Using the internet or online library, find an article, case study, or publication about computer forensics that addresses the specific software tool you chose.
1) Device Seizure by Paraben
2) ForensicSIM by Evidence Talks
3) USIMdetective by Quantaq Solutions
4) SIMCON by Inside Out Forensics
5) .XRY by Micro Systemation
6) MOBILedit! Forensic by Compelson Laboratories
Student one:
Hello Class,
This week we will be talking about forensic labs and what we need to be forensic analysts.
R1. The job of a forensic analyst is to help identify criminals and analyze the evidence against them. A forensic investigation can consist of a few things: collection, examination, analysis, and reporting. When it comes to the investigation forensic analyst might use tools like mass spectrometers, high powered microscope, chromatographs, alternative light photography, facial reconstruction, or even automated fingerprint identification. (Scott, 2017) That is just to name a few. There are also things like Link Analysis software for Forensic Accountants that helps track strange financial activity. Facial Reconstruction is used on real life human remains, to properly identify who the person was. Forensic analyst has a lot of tools readily available at their fingertips to help conduct their investigations.
R2. MOBIL edit Forensic Express is a multi forensic tool. MOBILedit Forensic Express can be a phone and cloud extractor, data analyzer and report generator all in one. It cheaper than the other software tools. This software tool is designed to analyze phones, laptops, tablets, any multimedia device. This software claims to have the ability to hack most devices. From the reviews I have read it seems to fair well against IOS devices. MOBILedit is one of many software tools that is out there to aid in forensic investigations. But MOBILedit Express also can has been used for end user with trouble getting into their phones. This tool seems like it is a universal tool that I might have to look into getting familiar with.
Forensic express details. (n.d.). Retrieved August 14, 2019, from https://www.mobiledit.com/forensic-express/details
Scott, K. (2017, December 13). 5 Important Tools Used by Forensic Scientists. Retrieved from https://thefutureofthings.com/10468-5-important-to…
Smith, J. (2019, February 12). Computer Crime Investigation Using Forensic Tools and Technology. Retrieved from https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/computer-cr…
Student two:
It would be quite a chore to put together a forensic lab, but certainly an interesting one. The overall list of items for the lab would be large and you’d build as you go. (Digital Forensics Corp.,2019) It might include computers with Windows 10 Pro, Net storage with up to 150 TB, some type of case management software such as Kirjuri. You might want separate stations for video forensics and for mobile forensics. Something for cloud forensics should be included along with data recovery (hard drives, flash drives and memory cards). The list of software products is huge and would take a lot of research. Paraben is certainly a good place to start for software to help with your investigations along with X Way forensic software, and Axiom (magnet forensics).
I researched XRY by Micro Systemation. It runs on a windows operating system. (MSAB, 2019) Used to extract data from mobile devices, it recognizes most devices automatically. One of the more interesting features I thought, is the XRY Drone. It gives police and corrections officials, the ability to extract data from a drone. (Crawford, Julia, 2018) I was surprised to find that the following crimes had been committed using drones: filming a cashpoint (ATM), drug delivery to an Ohio prison, weapon delivery to an Oklahoma prison, warfare (explosives were dropped by an Islamic state militant group), burglaries, and numerous cases, acting as a peeping Tom. So, it’s no wonder with all this drone activity going on that there would be some good evidence to extract.
XRY takes pride in its speed and the fact that they keep evidence secure and accounted for at all times with a full forensic audit trail.
Crawford, Julia, (2018) Top Ten Crimes Committed Using a Drone, retrieved from https://listverse.com/2018/07/26/10-crimes-committed-using-a-drone/
Digital Forensics Corp. (2019) Creating a Digital Forensics Laboratory: Tips and Tricks, retrieved from https://www.digitalforensics.com/blog/creating-a-digital-forensic-laboratory-tips-and-tricks/
MSAB, (2019) XRY, retrieved from https://www.msab.com/products/xry/