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33 choice questions

According to St. Thomas, faith

1. Overcomes doubt in metaphysics

2. Enables moral choice

3. Adds to what is naturally available to reason

4. Requires an irrational commitment of the will
St. Paul explains that men have degraded the sublime nature of God in their imagination to that of animals because

1. They cannot bear the thought that, like animals, their souls end at death

2. They wish to destroy the animal kingdom and all religious activity with it

3. They wish to lower the divine standard to the animal level in order to justify their own misconduct

4. They wish to craft idols to worship, and animal forms are appealing to the human imagination
St. Paul explains that what trait occurs in human beings prior to their evil choices?

1. Mental illness

2. Truth-suppression

3. Criminology

4. Lawlessness in isolation
St. Augustine argues that the pagan philosophers failed to acknowledge the full conditions on human happiness because

1. They could not identify a means for the cosmic re-ordering necessary for human happiness

2. They rejected the theism at the core of Pauline metaphysical theology

3. They were dishonest to the core, though some of their students did achieve enlightenment

4. They followed Socrates
To help educate the Guardians in public-mindedness, Socrates suggests what principle?

1. That women remain subservient to military men

2. That everyone in the city study philosophy

3. That rulers be compelled to serve

4. That all things be held in common
According to St. Thomas, grace does what?

1. Controls all things, because God is omnipotent

2. Completes human nature in the love of God

3. Replaces human nature by removing the body and taking us to heaven

4. Overcomes all the ills of this world
Aristotle says that human loves come in what three possible forms?

1. Pleasure, Utility, Completeness

2. Truth, Justice, Happiness

3. Strong, Moderate, Weak

4. Incontinence, Continence, Virtue
According to St. Thomas, what three supernatural virtues must be added to the cardinal virtues of Plato to complete human happiness?

1. Happiness, Power, Law

2. Faith, Hope, Love

3. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit

4. Justice, Moderation, Theism
Socrates maintains that what two disciplines are necessary for the guardian auxiliaries to study?

1. Leadership and War

2. Chess and Mathematic

3. Music and Gymnastic

4. Horsemanship and Archery
St. Augustine argues that the Stoic position is incoherent because

1. The Stoic demands submission of the totality of a person to the sage

2. The Stoic refuses to take on public office for the state

3. The Stoic advocates suicide to abandon a world he alleges is good

4. The Stoic rejects Christianity
St. Paul explains that what follows the intellectual vices associated with denying God’s moral goodness?

1. Moral Vices

2. Happiness

3. Hell and Purgatory

4. Incongruity
The point of the Republic is to prove what?

1. That justice should always be chosen, even when no one is looking.

2. That the proper form of government is a republic

3. That one should take care of oneself and one’s friends first

4. That virtues are necessary in the people but not so much in their leaders
What benefit does St. Paul explain is offered through suffering?

1. Wealth

2. The virtue of perseverance

3. Honor

4. The virtue of prudence
Socrates likens human virtue to what in the end of book IV of the Republic?

1. Cows

2. Guardians

3. Wisdom

4. Health
The person “making progress” in the Stoic disciplines blames whom for his troubles?

1. Himself

2. No one

3. His enemies

4. Bad luck
St. Paul argues that all men are responsible for acknowledging God’s rightful judgment because

1. We must take all these things on faith

2. There is sufficient natural evidence of his existence and goodness

3. Who dares to challenge the Almighty?

4. God knows everything that we have done but also what we have not done
Aristotle says that what group of people tend toward utility-based relationships?

1. The young

2. The elderly

3. The wise

4. The foolish
St. Paul explains that what intellectual vice occurs when the supreme goodness of God is denied?

1. Renunciation

2. Futility of mind

3. Total depravity

4. Heartbreak
According to Epictetus, all things in our lives are divided into what two possibilities?

1. What things that are up to us vs. those things that are not up to us

2. What the gods love vs. what they hate

3. What makes us feel good vs. what makes us unhappy

4. What things are reasonably achievable vs. those things that aren’t
Aristotle argues that there must be a supreme human good because

1. Goodness is necessary for political success

2. All human choice would be meaningless otherwise

3. Virtue is self-sufficient in itself

4. Humans are supreme over the animals
According to the Stoics, the real cause of difficulties is?

1. Irritating people

2. Natural necessity in the physical laws governing the world

3. The total depravity of man

4. The falsity of our beliefs about the world
Aristotle argues that to discern what human goodness is, we must

1. Identify human evil in the political realm

2. Be happy

3. Identify the definition of human nature

4. Practice archery in all of its three forms
What three sets of virtues does Aristotle maintain human beings must possess to be happy?

1. Political, Technological, and Metaphysical

2. Poverty of spirit, Meekness, and Peacemaking

3. Intellectual, Moral, and Healthy

4. Industry, Frugality, and Liberty
Plato divides the human soul into what three elements?

1. Faith, Hope, Love

2. Wisdom, Intelligence, Craftiness

3. Reason, Spirit, Appetite

4. Ego, Superego, Id
St. Augustine says that all things are ultimately ordered toward what?

1. Peace

2. The intangible

3. Death

4. The obscene
Why does St. Paul believe that human suffering isn’t comparable to future glory?

1. Because future suffering is proportionate to current suffering

2. Because future glory is finitely ordered

3. Because current suffering is finite and the future glory is infinite

4. Because infinite current suffering cannot be outweighed by anything future
Aristotle says what are the three most favored lives?

1. Pleasure, Honor, Contemplation

2. Athletics, Music, Astronomy

3. Courage, Equality, Freedom

4. Justice, Happiness, Virtue
What is the object of Stoic worship?

1. Love

2. Fate

3. Fame

4. Poseidon
St. Augustine surprisingly says that what figure has goodness within him?

1. Apophis

2. Hitler

3. Caesar

4. Satan
Aristotle identifies what as the solution to the problem of King Priam’s unhappiness?

1. King Priam was too wealthy compared to the people he ruled

2. King Priam’s virtue was undermined by an assault on his rationality

3. King Priam lost his son, Hector, to the Greek hero, Achilles

4. King Priam was an evil king
What are the four key virtues in Plato’s city?

1. Power, Intelligence, Flexibility, Rhetoric

2. Happiness, Grace, Faith, Hope

3. Humility, Humility, Humility, Humility

4. Justice, Wisdom, Moderation, Courage
Why does St. Thomas say that the love of God is the greatest commandment?

1. Because, since God just is, we just are too

2. Because all ten of the original commandments needed to be replaced by this Christian commandment

3. Because, since God loves us, we ought to love him

4. Because, since God is the supreme good, only in loving him can we be supremely happy
St. Augustine argues that there is no nature without goodness within it because

1. A little bit of goodness goes a long way

2. Happiness is virtue

3. God created all natures

4. God is good, while man is evil

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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