Week Two: Naming Your Practice

Naming Your Practice

Following the steps in these week’s required reading: (Insights for Acupuncturists. (n.d.). What you need to know before you name your acupuncture practice (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from , you will name your practice in this assignment.

Some of you may have already settled upon a name for your practice. You must still follow the steps below to complete the assignment, as this will help you to determine if the name you have settled on truly represents the best choice for your brand.

Please note that this assignment requires you to interview and include feedback from three people. To indicate you have successfully received feedback from three people, you will include each person’s name and a contact phone number or email for them.

Each component of this assignment requires that you take time to consider your options, and may take several days to complete. As such, you have been given a week and a half to complete this assignment. Begin working on your assignment as soon as you have completed the required readings for this week.

Your assignment should include each of the following sections:

1. Begin by brainstorming several potential names for your practice. Write down three (3) potential names for your practice.

2. Get feedback from three people who do not work in or study Chinese Medicine. These could be your friends, family, colleagues in the complementary medicine field that is not acupuncture, or patients who are already receiving treatments from you in the student clinic. You do not need to indicate your relationship to these people; please only list the persons first and last name and a contact phone number/email. Tell each person the three names you have brainstormed. For each name, ask them what their first thought or image that they associate with each name, and write down a sentence or a few words to describe their response. Now ask them which of the three names they prefer. Indicate on your assignment which of the three names each person prefers.

3. Do an online search for each of the three names. Copy and paste the URL of the first three website hits for each name into your assignment.

4. Choose one of the three names. Write one paragraph explaining why you chose this name over the other two. Did the input you received from your interviews or web searches influence your decision? Why or why not? What do the words you chose mean to you and how did you decide upon them? In what way(s) do they convey your vision and mission? Did you include your name in the name of your practice? Did you include your location? Why or why not?


Some Rubric (2)

Some Rubric (2)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Brainstorming

2.0 pts

Full Marks

Student has presented three potential names for their practice

1.0 pts

Partial Marks

Student has included two potential names for his/her practice.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Student has provided one or no potential names for their practice.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Interviews

2.0 pts

Full Marks

Three people have been interviewed. For each person interviewed, the student has provided the person’s full name and contact phone number. For each person interviewed, the student has listed a sentence or words for each of the three names describing the persons’s initial thoughts upon hearing the name. For each of the interviews, one of the three names is selected as “preferred”.

1.0 pts

Partial Marks

Two to three of the following components are missing: Three people have been interviewed. For each interviewee, the student has provided the person’s full name and contact phone number. For each person interviewed, the student has listed a sentence or words for each of the three names describing the persons’s initial thoughts upon hearing the name. For each of the interviews, one of the three names is selected as “preferred”.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Four or more of the following components are missing: Three people have been interviewed. For each interviewee, the student has provided the person’s full name and contact phone number. For each person interviewed, the student has listed a sentence or words for each of the three names describing the persons’s initial thoughts upon hearing the name. For each of the interviews, one of the three names is selected as “preferred”.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Online Search

2.0 pts

Full Marks

Each of the three names have been searched online. For each name, the top three URLs are provided from the web search.

1.0 pts

Partial Marks

One or two of the following is missing: Each of the three names have been searched online. For each name, the top three URLs are provided from the web search.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Three or more of the following is missing: One or two of the following is missing: Each of the three names have been searched online. For each name, the top three URLs are provided from the web search.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Final Name Selection

2.0 pts

Full Marks

In one paragraph, the student has indicated their final name selection. An explanation has been given as to why this name was selected over the other two, including an explanation as to how this name fits with the student’s vision and mission, whether their interviews or online research influenced their name selection, and any other relevant aspects of their decision making.

1.0 pts

Partial Marks

Student has indicated their name selection, but the evaluation of why this name was selected is incomplete. It may not adequately explain how this name fits with the student’s vision and mission for their practice, or they may not have described how other factors influenced their decision.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Student either has not selected a name or has not given a explanation as to why that name was selected.

2.0 pts

Total Points: 8.0