Room for Debate

 Visit the “Room for Debate” database (
 Select the assigned topic of for the quarter (scroll down to the bottom left of the page for a complete list of topics). Read the introduction andeach editorial (typically 4-6) on the topic. This will give you some background information on the issue, as well as several perspectives from a vast array of authors. .

 Create an MLA citation (works cited entry): use the entry information for an article from an online newswire or newspaper (see below). Remember to use a hanging indent (indent every line except the first one).

 In 1 ½ typed pages:
_ Identify the different issues presented regarding this topic.
_ Discuss how each side presents its argument.
_ Discuss which side you feel is more convincing in its argument and why.
_ In your one-page analysis, you should utilize at least 2 direct quotes from the articles for support.
MLA Citation Template (for this assignment)
“Title of Discussion Topic.” New York Times Date Published Month Year. n. pag. Room for Debate.