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Music and Language Arts

Posting for Class 10
Music and Language Arts

ELA NYS Common Core Resources:

Here are a few sites that we viewed to listen to pre-composed songs that could easily fit into a lesson plan.

Crammer: school house rocks

Verb rap








Brief History of Rhyme


We also spoke about Fables and worked in groups to create one with sounds for each of the characters,,,,

What are Fables?
Fables are short stories which illustrate a particular moral and teach a lesson. The theme and characters appeal to children and the stories are often humorous and entertaining for kids of all ages. Fables can also be described as tales or yarns which have a message in their narrative such as a parable might have. Fables can often pass into our culture as myths and legends and used to teach about morals .

The Characters of Fables?
The characters of fables and tales are usually animals who act and talk just like people while retaining their animal traits.

Aesop’s Fables
 and scripts provide great entertainment. The fables, or stories, are all very short and Aesop’s fables feature familiar animals loved by all…

Homework Assignment: Watch a respond to Brief History of Rhyme

Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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