focused nutrition assessment and a report

focused nutrition assessment and a report

Paper instructions:

Assignment Includes 3 Major Components

Collecting the Subjective Information.

Prepare a dialogue with questions

Collecting the Objective Findings.

Explain your process and technique in writing

Communicating/Presenting the Findings.

Write a written report of your findings

Collecting the Subjective Information

Prepare a dialogue with questions

This includes the Review of System for the specific body system assigned.

What questions would you ask?

What would be pertinent positives or negatives?

What answers would concern you?

Current/ Past Medical/Surgical History/ Social History.

What would be important to know?

Collecting the Objective Findings

Explain your process and technique in writing- address the following:

What tools/equipment will you need?

What body parts are you going to evaluate?

What order will you perform your assessment and collect the data in?

What technique will you use and how will you use the equipment?

For cultural/spiritual- your tools will be written tools/forms (Examples: EACAT and FICA).

Communicating/Presenting the Findings

Write a written report of your findings

How will you document the findings?

What findings would you want to report to the Health Care Provider managing the clients care?