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Emergence and development of mythological painting in the Renaissance

  1. Describe the emergence and development of mythological painting in the Renaissance.
  2. Make an argument for the Paragone for either sculpture or painting. Use specific artist(s) and their work(s).
  3. How does Mannerism evolve out of the ‘perfetta maniera’ of Renaissance artists such as Michelangelo and Raphael?
  4. Compare and contrast Titian’s Flora and Palma il Vecchio’s A Blonde Woman. What stands out? How are the subjects treated differently? In what ways are they similar?


These are the artworks we studied in class.

This also gives you the time period.

  • Giuliano da Maiano, Studiolo of Federico da Montefeltro, 1470s, Urbino.
  • Pisanello, Saint George and the Princess, c. 1437-8.
  • Paolo Uccello, Funerary Monument to Sir John Hawkwood, 1436, Florence.
  • Donatello, Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata, c. 1445-53, Padua.
  • Andrea del Castagno, Niccolò da Tolentino, 1456, Florence.
  • Piero della Francesca, Madonna and Child with Saints (Montefeltro Altarpiece),1472-74.
  • Andrea Mantegna, Saint Sebastian, c. 1480.
  • Andrea Mantegna, Crucifixion, 1457-1459.
  • Andrea Mantegna, Camera dei sposi, 1465-1474, Palazzo Ducale of Mantua.
  • Andrea Mantegna, Parnassus, 1497.
  • Sandro Botticelli, The Spring, c. 1482-1485.
  • Sandro Botticelli, The Birth of Venus, 1483-85.
  • Albrecht Dürer, Self-portrait, 1500.
  • Albrecht Dürer, Fall of Man, 1504.
  • Lucas Cranach the Elder, The Judgment of Paris, c. 1528.
  • Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, c. 1555.
  • Albrecht Altdorfer, The Battle of Issus1529.
  • Joachim Patinir, Landscape with St Jerome, 1515-19.
  • Leonardo da Vinci, Virgin of the Rocks, 1483-1486.
  • Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper, 1498.
  • Leonardo da Vinci, Virgin and Child with saint Anne, c. 1500-1512.
  • Raphael, Portrait of Agnolo Doni and Portrait of Maddalena Strozzic. 1505.
  • Raphael, Madonna in the Meadow, 1505-1506.
  • Raphael, Philosophy (School of Athens), 1509-1511, Rome.
  • Raphael, The Fire in the Borgo, 1514-1517, Rome.
  • Raphael, The Madonna of Foligno, 1511-12.
  • Michelangelo, Pietà, 1498-1499, Saint Peter, Rome.
  • Michelangelo,David, c. 1501-1504, Florence.
  • Michelangelo, The Doni Tondo (Holy Family with the young John the Baptist), c. 1506.
  • Michelangelo, Sistine’s Ceiling, 1508-1512, Rome.
  • Michelangelo, Last Judgement, Sistine chapel, 1536-1541, Rome.
  • Bramante, Tempietto of San Pietro in Montorio, 1510, Rome.
  • Bramante, Michelangelo, Saint Peter’s, Rome.
  • Andrea Palladio, Villa Barbaro, c. 1560, Maser.
  • Andrea Palladio, Villa Rotonda, 1566-1585.
  • Jacopo Pontormo, Visitation, 1514-16, Florence.
  • Parmigianino, The Vision of St Jerome, 1527.
  • Parmigianino, Madonna of the Long neck, 1534.
  • Andrea del Sarto Madonna of the Harpies, 1517.
  • Pontormo, Pala Pucci, 1518.
  • Pontormo, Capponi Altarpiece, ca 1525-1528, Florence.
  • Rosso Fiorentino, Lamentation, 1530-1535.
  • Antonello da Messina St Jerome in his Study, c. 1475.
  • Antonello da Messina, Condottiere, 1475.
  • Vittore Carpaccio, Vision of St Augustin1502, Venice.
  • Giovanni Bellini, Saint Job altarpiece, c. 1480, Venice.
  • Giovanni Bellini, San Zaccaria Altarpiece, 1505, Venice.
  • Titian, Assumption of the Virgin, 1516-18, Venice.
  • Titian, Madonna with Saints and Members of the Pesaro Family, 1519-26, Venice.
  • Giovanni Bellini, The Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, ca 1465.
  • Giorgione, The Sunset (Il Tramonto), 1506-10.
  • Titian, Pastoral Symphony , c. 1508-11.
  • Giorgione, Portrait of a Young Woman (Laura), 1506.
  • Giovanni Bellini, Nude with a Mirror, 1515.
  • Giorgione, Sleeping Venus, c. 1510, Dresden.
  • Titian, The Venus of Urbino, 1538.
  • Titian, Pope Paul III with his Grandsons Alessandro and Ottavio Farnese, 1546.
  • Titian, Equestrian Portrait of Charles V, 1548.
  • Titian, Pietà, 1576.
  • Tintoretto, The Miracle of St Mark Freeing the Slave, 1548.
  • Tintoretto, The Stealing of the Dead Body of St Mark, 1562-6.
  • Tintoretto, The Last Supper, 1592-94, oil on canvas, 365 x 568 cm, San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
  • Veronese, Illusionistic frescoes, Villa Barbaro, c. 1560
  • Veronese, The Marriage at Cana, 1563.
  • Sofonisba Anguissola, Portrait of the Artist’s Three Sisters with their Governess, 1555.


Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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