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Communications Exam questions

Answer each sub question alone

Question # 1:

Write about the development of social media in the UAE. You have to include:

1. History of the social media in UAE
2. Statistical information about UAE traditional and social media
3. Uses of the social media tools in UAE
4. Struggles of the social media in the UAE society
5. Discussion about latest scholars’ publications related to social media in the UAE.


Question # 2:

1. Compare between social and traditional media in the UAE. Write about:
2. The media history of both media. Compare them.
3. Media purposes in UAE
4. Latest scholars’ publications.
5. Apply spiral of silence theory.

Explain how the people by using social media have started sharing their opinions but please remember to discuss in positive way.

The instructions:

1.  Answer each sub question alone.

2. support each sub-question with two new citations and don’t use old scholars papers.

3. use short citations in order to answer during my exam

4. try to avoid long sentences .

5. try to depend on Arabic writer or scholars avoid not to use Al-Jenaibi for citation. She wrote about UAE media but don’t use her for citation

6. talk about positive issues The exam: Questions:

Answer these two questions
Please use latest scholars’ publications.
Remember this is an exam, so please use short citations.


Last Updated on February 1, 2018

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