You are required to write a 2500 word paper on the impact of leadership and change on the quality of care provision (including relevant literature to support the points you highlight)

Reflecting on your experience in health and social care, either as a professional, volunteer, patient/service user or through any other involvement, identify an element of health or social care provision which could be improved. Perhaps there are failures in quality of patient care, simple issues that could be made better, or problems in the way that care is organised and delivered.

Analyse the underlying causes of this shortfall in care, and what works or does not work effectively. Consider the whole system of care, making sure you examine from the perspectives of policy, community, management, staff team, and patient/service user.  Propose some clear and achievable change that could improve the quality of care, clearly outlining how this would be implemented, and how it could be evaluated. The intention is that you will be able to analyse the impact of leadership on the actual working of a service from the perspective of both the staff and service users involved.

The essay must demonstrate your competence at critical evaluation, and in particular should critically analyserelevant theory, policy and practice, and include discussion of application / implementation in a specific care environment.

Make sure you address all of the learning outcomes in your writing which are the following:

  1. Analyse and justify patient-led improvements to health and social care delivery within your own field of practice.
  2. Critically reflect on professional-patient relationships with a particular emphasis on ensuring integrated care, and improving the quality of the patient journey.
  3. Critically analyse the application of quality improvement theories and techniques to health and social care services in differing cultures and contexts
  4. Critically analyse theories of leadership and apply them to health and social care settings
  5. Evaluate and apply theories of change and contemporary organisation theory to inter professional practice in health and social care.
  6. Critically analyse the shifting relationships between professional identity, managerial imperatives and social entrepreneurship in your own practice.

Introduction250 words

You should include a clear introduction in which you provide a brief synopsis of the issue(s) and what you are going to focus on in the paper. The introduction should serve to identify to the reader the main areas for discussion and justify their importance.

Explanation of the element of health or social care provision improvement- 500 words

In this section you will briefly and clearly outline the improvement/short fall of care. You should briefly describe a failure in an issue of quality of patient/s care/an issue that could be made better, or a problem in the way that care is organised and delivered. Identify the relevant key problems of the improvement/short fall of care.

Analysis of Change Required -500 words

You need to include a critical analysis of the underlying causes of the shortfall in care/what is working and/or what does not work effectively. You need to analyse the change which is needed – you need to demonstrate a critical analysis of the problem/s.

You will need to include detailed examination of the issues involved, integrating relevant leadership and management / organizational theory & research.

You will need to analyze the impact of leadership on the actual working of a service from the perspective of both the staff and service users involved.   You will also need to consider the whole system of care, making sure you examine from the perspectives of policy, community, and management.

You should also identify in this section any tools for analysis that you have used and their applicability with a brief rationale for example: SWOT, AND PEST analysis tools with references

Proposal for Implementation/Evaluation-  500 words

Implementation: What are the key issue/problems that will require action?  Identify recommendations as to how the proposed change(s) can be put in place. This may involve the identification of aims and objectives that you would hope to achieve and any accountabilities.

Evaluation Strategy: It is important to indicate how you would measure the success of the proposed recommendations. Identify here how the recommended actions could be evaluated in order to determine their success using some measurable markers. Consider methods of evaluation such as questionnaires, performance reviews, numbers of referrals/reduction in complaints –500 words

Conclusion -250

The conclusion should present the main themes of the paper/highlightkey points and  indicate the main recommendations.

General Guidance/ Presentation of Reports

Check assignment prior ‘to hand in’ for the following:

Use appropriate referenced material to justify your argument

Logical structure and development of ideas

Please provide a TITLE PAGE. The title page must include the module title and code, the course you are on, the title of the assignment. It must also include date of submission, the word count and your student number.

Accurate spelling and grammar

Accurate Harvard Referencing.